Viettel High Technology Industries Corporation Excel in the number of Technonology patents granted in 2021
Month 01,  05/2022

Viettel High Technology Industries Corporation Excel in the number of Technonology patents granted in 2021

  • 0
  • 2539
VHT is well-known as a Vietnamese high-tech enterprise with the most patents protected in the US.
Viettel High Tech received two awards at the Globee Awards for Technology 2024
Month 07,  12/2024

Viettel High Tech received two awards at the Globee Awards for Technology 2024

Viettel High Tech continues to enhance its international award record by securing two product and service awards at the Globee Awards for Technology 2024.
  • 0
  • 93
Viettel High Tech has officially completed the installation of the first 5G network in India
Month 10,  31/2023

Viettel High Tech has officially completed the installation of the first 5G network in India

From September 9 to October 25, VHT engineers completed the installation of the first Private 5G network system on VHT's equipment and provided training for their partner, Quadgen, in India.
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  • 59